Currently in Seoul it is..

Atlanta Time

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So far so good

I've come home from work the past two days extremely exhausted. I can't tell if it's the kids or the time change. For some strange reason I'm also quite hungry..all I can think of is eating! Korean food is actually quite good. The only things that I've tried so far that I didn't like were the kimchi and the crab. They eat the crab here with the shell still on. It's a very unnatural feeling trying to chew up and swallow the shell..not to mention that the crab sauce is pretty spicy!

Kimbap is pretty good. It's kinda like what we think of sushi in the states but it just has other stuff rolled up in it. Here's the nutrition info:

My blood sugar has been doing well with the Korean food. If you stick with what you learned in carb counting 101 you should do alright. My A1C had gone up to 8.2 before I left home. Most likely it was because of my bad eating habits that just kept getting increasingly worse as my departure neared. I'm going to use my time over here as an opportunity to improve how I control my diabetes.

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